February 2021

North America News

Under section 104(b)(1) of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA), the CPSC adopts a mandatory rule for infant swings, codified in 16 CFR 1223. This rule updates the mandatory standard for infant swings to incorporate by reference ASTM F2088-20. The final rule is effective on April 3, 2021.

The consumer safety specification ASTM F2088 establishes safety performance requirements, test methods, and labelling requirements to minimize the risk of injuries to infants resulting from normal use and reasonably foreseeable misuse or abuse of infant swings. Key updates of ASTM F2088-20:

  • Scope - Section 1.3

    • A new section 1.3 specifies that the standard covers products with a powered mechanism (through batteries, AC adapter, wind-up mechanism, or other means) that provides a swinging or gliding seat/cradle in any direction relative to the frame.

    • Section 1.3 also specifies that the standard does not cover products that are intended to provide sleeping accommodations for the occupant.

  • General Requirements - Section 5.8

    • Cradle swings or combination swings in a cradle swing use, mode, or position, while in the rest position, must now comply with the requirement of ASTM F2194, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Bassinets and Cradles (section 5.11).

  • Performance Requirements - Section 6.5

    • This section has been updated to now indicate that cradle swings and combination swings, when in all manufacturer’s use positions as a cradle swing, shall not have a restraint system. That is consistent with the bassinet standard (ASTM F2194) and addresses potential entanglement.

  • Marking and Labelling – Section 8

    • Removal of below requirement stating that:

    • Manufacturers mark each product and its retail packaging with a model number and change the model number when they make changes to the product that affect conformance with the safety standard (previous section 8.1.2). This change provides consistency with other juvenile products standards which do not contain this requirement.

    • Wording change (section 8.5)



Always secure infant in the restraint system provided

ALWAYS use restraints. Adjust to fit snugly

Never leave infant unattended in swing

Stay near and watch infant during use

  • Moving 2 new warnings, combination swings (section 8.5.3) and travel swings (section 8.5.4), from the general warning requirements to individual sections.

  • ASTM F2088-20 also includes minor additions and revisions that are editorial in nature and do not change any substantive requirements.

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On January 1, 2021, the Massachusetts legislature passed bill H4900 to ban 11 flame retardants in certain consumer goods, effective from December 31, 2021.

The sale or manufacture of bedding, carpeting, children's products, residential upholstered furniture and window treatments containing more than 1,000 ppm each of the following flame retardants (FR) in any component part of the covered product will be banned.

It is notable that a manufacturer of a covered product needs to inform retailers and other persons who sell the FR-containing products on or before July 1, 2021.

Flame Retardant (FR)

CAS no.

Covered Products


Effective Date





Children’s products

Residential upholstered furniture

Window treatment

≤ 1,000 ppm

December 31, 2021

Antimony trioxide




















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In the US, when hazards are identified in consumer products, they will be recalled and published in the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Recent Recalls on the CPSC website, which is updated daily. The US recalls from September 17, 2020 to February 9, 2021 are summarized below:



Fire Hazard


Injury Hazard


Fall Hazard


Burn Hazard


Choking Hazard


Other Hazards*


*Other Hazards include Crash Hazard, Entrapment Hazard, Laceration Hazard, Electric Shock Hazard, Explosion Hazard and Poisoning Hazard with a frequency of less than 6.

Product Categories


Sporting Goods / Equipment




Home Electrical Appliances


Tools and Hardware


Toys and Childcare Articles


Other Categories^


*Other Categories include Bodycare / Cosmetics, Computer / Audio / Video / Other Electronics & Accessories, Candles & Burning Items and Accessories, Chemicals, Food Contact Materials, Footwear, Kitchenware and Personal Protective Equipment with a frequency of less than 5.

For a complete list click here

Europe News

A new version of EN 71-4 was published in December 2020 and shall be given status of national standard by June 2021. The conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by December 2021. It is expected to be harmonized under the Toy Safety Directive (TSD) 2009/48/EC upon official acceptance by the European Commission (EC) and by publication in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

EN 71-4:2020 is a revision of EN 71-4:2013 specifying the requirements for the maximum amount of certain substances and mixtures used in experimental sets for chemistry and related activities including crystal growing sets, carbon dioxide generating experimental sets and supplementary sets. The standard defines experimental sets as chemical toys where the experimental and explorative character in playing with single chemical substances and mixtures dominates over the creative ideas of the user.

The 2020 version has brought in several changes when compared to the 2013 version. The key changes are mainly for clarification on scope, permissible inclusion of non-hazardous food additives, maximum amounts and concentrations for defined substances and requirement for eye protection. The detailed significant changes are summarized in Table 1. Although EN 71-4:2013 currently is still the harmonized standard under the TSD and the designated standard under the UK Toy Safety Regulations, stakeholders and manufacturers of toys should take the new requirements into account when reviewing and designing their products.

Table 1 Significant modification of EN 71-4:2020



Clause 1 Scope

It has been clarified that the standard does not apply to combined sets, e.g., a combination of a chemistry set and a crystal growing set.

Clause 4 Chemical substances in experimental sets

Chemistry sets may now be supplied with food additives and their mixtures according to Regulation (EC) 1333/2008, if pure food additives are not classified as hazardous substances or mixtures are not classified as hazardous mixtures.

Table 1-5 in Clause 4

Tables 1 to 5 have been revised regarding GHS pictograms and signal words.

Clause 5.2.4 Packaging and closures

The requirements on closures for child-resistant containers have been revised by permitting only closures in compliance with EN ISO 8317:2015.

Clause 5.5 Eye protection

Eye protection now must be provided for carbon dioxide generating experimental sets containing substances which are required to be marked with the GHS pictogram GHS05 according to Table 5 in Clause 4 (Maximum amounts of chemical substances for carbon dioxide generating experimental sets and labelling).

Clause 6.3 Marking of the primary packaging

The requirements on marking of the primary packaging have been revised.

Clause 8.3 Safety rules

The safety rule “Always wear eye protection” has been added in 8.3.3 for carbon dioxide generating experimental sets which contain substances which are required to be marked with GHS pictogram GHS05 according to Table 5 in Clause 4 (Maximum amounts of chemical substances for carbon dioxide generating experimental sets and labelling).

Annex A to EN 71-4:2013 - Test methods for closures of reagent containers

The former Annex A has been deleted.

Annex A Rationale

With deletion of Annex A in the former version, the current Annex A is replaced by the former Annex B. The content is also broadened to include the rationales for “Combined sets”, “Use of substances/mixtures not provided with a chemistry set” and “Markings, labelling and warnings”.

NOTE: This table is not an exhaustive list of all modifications from the previous version, but a highlight of significant changes.

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On January 25, 2021, the European Commission approved Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/57 which amends entry 63 (lead and its components) of Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). Effective dates relative to the amendment are outlined below.

This amendment introduces new restrictions for lead contained in gunshot in or around wetlands:

Discharging gunshot containing a concentration of lead (expressed as metal) equal to or greater than 1 % by weight or carrying any such gunshot where this occurs while out wetland shooting or as part of going wetland shooting is prohibited in or within 100 meters of wetlands after February 15, 2023.

  • “within 100 meters of wetlands” means within 100 meters outward from any outer boundary point of a wetland

  • “wetland shooting” means shooting in or within 100 meters of wetlands

  • “wetlands” means areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed 6 meters

  • “gunshot” means pellets used or intended for use in a single charge or cartridge in a shotgun

  • “shotgun” means a smooth-bore gun, excluding air guns

  • “shooting” means any shooting with a shotgun

  • “carrying” means any carrying on the person or carrying or transporting by any other means

If at least 20 % in total of the territory, excluding the territorial waters, of a Member State are wetlands, that Member State may, in place of the restriction, prohibit the following acts throughout the whole of its territory from February 15, 2024.

  1. the placing on the market of gunshot containing a concentration of lead (expressed as metal) equal to or greater than 1 % by weight;

  2. the discharging of any such gunshot;

  3. carrying any such gunshot while out shooting or as part of going shooting.

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Asia News

Two Taiwan standards, CNS 15290 “Textile Safety Regulations (General Requirements)” and CNS 15291 “Safety of Children’s Clothing – Cords and Drawstrings on Children’s Clothing – Specifications” have been revised recently, and textiles and related goods must be in compliance with these standards on the market. The new updates will be implemented from February 1, 2021.

Main changes include the following:

  1. CNS 15290 “Textile Safety Regulations (General Requirements)”

    1. The sum of NPEO and NP should be less than 1,000 mg/kg (0.1%). This limitation is applied to all textiles, not only for children’s articles. This change makes the requirement stricter than it was previously.

    2. New testing methods are added to testing for Organotins and AZO Colorants.

    3. PFOS is newly listed in CNS 15290: 2019. Textile and coated materials are within restricted scopes.

  2. CNS 15291 “Safety of Children’s Clothing – Cords and Drawstrings on Children’s Clothing – Specifications”

    • CNS 15291: 2019, expands the age range from 12 to 14, and revises the cords and drawstrings’ specification, when compared with the previous version of CNS 15291: 2009. Additionally, this standard is a modified version from BS EN 14682-2014 to fit Taiwan markets.

For more details, please refer to CNS Standards.

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Australia/New Zealand News

Le 24 novembre 2020, l'Australie a publié le nouvel instrument législatif, Consumer Good (Cosmetics) Information Standard 2020. La nouvelle norme comprend la définition du désinfectant pour les mains et les nouvelles exigences supplémentaires pour les désinfectants pour les mains. La norme entre en vigueur le 24 mai 2021.

La nouvelle norme inclut les amendements mentionnés ci-dessous :


  • L'alcool comprend, entre autres, l'alcool éthylique (éthanol), l'alcool isopropylique et l'alcool dénaturé.

  • désinfectant pour les mains : un produit antibactérien pour le soin de la peau :

    • qui consiste en une ou plusieurs substances actives antimicrobiennes, en contient ou en génère ; et

    • qui est présenté de quelque manière que ce soit comme étant, ou est susceptible d'être considéré comme étant (que ce soit en raison de la manière dont il est présenté ou pour toute autre raison) :

      1. à utiliser sur les mains lorsque l'eau et le savon ne sont pas disponibles ; et

      2. appliquée sur les mains sans être rincée ; et

      3. destiné à détruire, décourager, rendre inoffensif, empêcher l'action ou exercer un effet de contrôle sur toute bactérie présente sur la peau.

Exigence supplémentaire pour le désinfectant pour les mains

Pour les désinfectants pour les mains contenant de l'alcool comme principal ingrédient actif :

  • La quantité d'alcool contenue dans le désinfectant pour les mains doit être indiquée en pourcentage (%), en volume par volume (v/v), de manière visible et clairement lisible :

    1. dans la liste des ingrédients ; ou

    2. ailleurs sur le conteneur.

Les avertissements suivants doivent figurer sur le récipient (sous la forme des mots indiqués ci-dessous ou d'autres mots ou pictogrammes pouvant raisonnablement être considérés comme ayant la même signification) :

  • Tenir hors de portée des enfants

  • Pour usage externe uniquement

  • En cas d'ingestion, consulter immédiatement un médecin

  • Inflammable - tenir à l'écart du feu et de la chaleur

  • Cesser l'utilisation en cas d'irritation de la peau

Une période de transition accordée aux produits cosmétiques fabriqués avant la fin des 180 jours suivant l'entrée en vigueur de cet instrument doit être conforme soit à la nouvelle norme, soit à la norme existante, et à partir du 24 mai 2021, tous les produits cosmétiques devront être conformes à la nouvelle norme pour le marché australien.

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